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Asia-Pacific Regional Framework for NATECH (Natural Hazards Triggering Technological Disasters) Risk Management

NATECH (Natural hazards triggering Technological disasters) is an emerging theme in the field of disaster risk reduction globally. The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 and the Global Assessment Report (GAR 2019 ) have stressed the need for engaging in NATECH risk assessments, policy formulation and local actions. In 2017, UNDRR developed a guideline on national disaster risk assessments that included NATECH risks and urged countries to undertake risk assessments, preparedness planning and build capacity for effective response.

The Asia-Pacific region faces a varied continuum of natural hazards creating greater complexity and deep uncertainty in the face of changing climate and rapid industrialization. Considering the number of chemical industries and units handling hazardous materials has increased, the NATECH risk is growing in the region. This necessitates advancing the present understanding of the NATECH risk based on past incidents and potential future events for informed decision-making.

The report, through a series of consultations and drawing on lessons from the past NATECH disasters, proposes ten guiding principles for NATECH risk management in the Asia-Pacific region.