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UNICEF EAP DRR resources

Building resilience with children and youth through UNICEF’s work in crisis response and climate actionInvestment Case for Child-Centred Climate Actions in the Context of COVID-19Guardians of the planet: Asia Pacific Children and Youth Voices on Climate Crisis and Disaster RiskChild-centred Climate Action: Stories from the field in East Asia Pacific Countries
cover of publication it's getting hotdwadwa
Over the Tipping Point Disaster Risk Financing and Social Protection: An Assessment of the Evidence on Pre-arranged Finance for Government Support in DisastersIt is getting hot: Call for education systems to respond to the climate crisisSafer, greener schools for every child
Every country protected; every child resilient: UNICEF & DRR ActionWords into Action on DRR, Children and YouthRisk-informed Education Programming for Resilience
Cover of the IASC Guidelines on Working with and for Young People in Humanitarian and Protracted CrisesCover page of the report.
IASC Guidelines on Working with and for Young People in Humanitarian and Protracted CrisesComprehensive School Safety Framework 2022-2030Programme Guidance: Strengthening Shock-Responsive Social Protection Systems
on Risk-Informed
Every child prepared,
engaged, safe
and resilient
Protecting Lives in Flood-Prone Cambodia: Early Warning System uses RapidPro for rapid, vital real-time informationCambodia's new school year beginsLearning Safely at Home
Children's Rights to a Healthy Environment in ASEAN  
The Adventure of "Elephant" and his FriendsHow to Manage Safety in Schools?Teaching Safety Lessons: Have You Tried it This Way?


Video about testimony from children from Adolescent Circles, facilitators and local government official using adolescent kit to maximize adolescent engagementIndonesia - Safe school technical guidance (English)Youth Humanitarian Action in a Climate Crisis
Mainstreaming Adolescent Participation in Indonesia for Disaster Preparedness, Response and RecoveryChild-Centred Contingency Planning GuidelinesPolicy brief: Building back better for women and girls in Indonesia
Climate Landscape Analysis for Children  
Lao PDR 


Mental Health and Psychosocial Wellbeing Booklet for Children and Adolescents During and After EmergenciesManual on Youth and Adolescents Counselling for Lao People’s Revolutionary Youth Union (LYU) Helpline VolunteersThe Government of Japan and UNICEF Strengthen Disaster Resilience and Preparedness of Flood-Affected Areas in Attapeu Province
Starter Kit for Youth Environmental ActionImpact of Climate Change on Children: A Malaysian PerspectiveThe heat is on: Extreme weather change & it's effect on children in Malaysia
The impact of climate change on education in Mongolia"BEING PREPARED AND ACTING FAST: A series of case studies on UNICEF’s role in the delivery of effective social protection responses to COVID-19"Saving lives in emergencies through resilient telecommunications and preparedness


Serving children in Myanmar: UNICEF@75Responding to emergencies: Children’s urgent needs are our priority.Sharing ways to build community resilience to disasters: Build community resilience to disasters
Papua New Guinea
Promoting a clean and safe learning environment through Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)Sustainable and inclusive learning during COVID-19UNICEF Assessment on Joint UN Interventions, 2021
Child-centered DRR Learning Materials: Compendium of learning resources and materialsYouth-led School-Based Early Warning SystemChildren and Youth Participation in 3-Dimensional Mapping
Disaster risk financing and social protection in the PhilippinesSupport Multigrade Schools with Digital Technology 



The climate crisis is a child rights crisis: The impacts of climate change through the Children’s Climate Risk IndexUNICEF's Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in ThailandCleaning up and caring for communities after a disaster
Education Budget Plan for Emergencies Response: The Case of COVID ShocksIs Thailand on the path to an inclusive recovery: High-Frequency Surveys 


Young people at the forefront of flood-recovery efforts in Timor-LesteUNICEF Timor-Leste 2021 Floods ResponseAdolescent and Youth Voices on COVID-19 in Timor-Leste
Viet Nam
UNICEF Viet Nam Child-Centred Disaster Risk ReductionViet Nam child centred risk assessment: Summary for policy makersClimate Landscape Analysis for Children in Viet Nam
Vietnam - Rooftop solar power: A potential solution in clean energy for climate-smart schools in Viet NamRenewable energy and energy efficiency solution for rural water supply in Viet NamClimate rationale for water, sanitation, and hygiene services in Viet Nam
Technical Brief Feasibility Analysis on the Delivery of Cash Assistance for Children In Emergencies in Viet Nam  
Child-cetered Risk Assessment for Pacific Island Countries and TerritoriesPacific WASH Resilience GuidelinesDisaster risk reduction and emergencies
Investing in adaptation and resilience building for every child in the Pacific Islands  
The Bushfire Recovery Program: Child-focussed recovery and resilience-building in aftermath of the 2019-2020 bushfires in AustraliaFlood, bushfire trauma in children sparks call for renewed disaster plansHelping children and communities affected by bushfires