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Regional Architecture

The Issue-based Coalitions (IBCs) are groups responsible for UN attribution to achieve the agreed outcome/priority for Asia and the Pacific. Each IBC will be co-chaired by UN Regional Directors and supported by a Secretariat from the lead agencies. The IBCs will produce yearly priority themes for joint planning, monitoring, advocacy, technical support and policy analysis. The IBCs will also explore possibilities for a regional joint programme and/or programming. The IBCs will be accessible to Resident Coordinators and UNCTs, including multi-country offices, for country support. 

The Means of Implementation and Reporting Group is a cross-functional group that is represented by the (co)-convener(s) of each of the 4 sub-groups . The group will primarily focus on maintaining quality control of the regional ‘products’ and services and ensure coherence and complementarity in the regional support and services provided to the countries, governments and other stakeholders in the region such as the provision of knowledge products, expertise, data and statistics. They also have certain programmatic functions including regional programming and coordinated country technical support as required. 

The Country Support Group are currently the Regional Peer Support Group  and UNEDAP (UN Development Evaluation Group). There is flexibility for new focused and time bound groups to be created, when required, to broaden the base of the PSG in their support to UN country teams to develop strong Common Country Analysis (CCA) and Cooperation Frameworks (CFs). 

Networking Groups: Formal endorsement of an existing or new group as a Networking Group under the RCP structure is a prerogative of the RCP Vice-Chairs; Networking Groups must submit their TORs to the RCP Joint Secretariat; the governance of Networking Groups can be decided by the chairs and co-chairs of each Networking Group, in agreement with their membership; Networking Groups can include non-UN members; Networking Groups report their results once a year in the UN System-wide Report; Networking Groups do not have a specific time bound.


Regional Collaborative Platform

Terms of Reference 2022: DOWNLOAD

2024 RCP organigram