Issue-based Coalitions in the Asia-Pacific Region
1. Raising Ambitions on Climate Action (co-chaired by ESCAP and UNEP)
The Issue-based Coalition focuses on three main objectives:
Integrating energy transition into updated Nationally Determined Contributions
Accelerate the phase out of coal in Asia and the Pacific including air pollution
Accelerate energy access and renewable energy in the energy mix
2. Building Resilience (co-chaired by UNDP and UNDRR)
This IBC serves as a platform for UN agencies to work together to accelerate action on DRR, CCA and resilience in the Asia-Pacific region. The IBC promotes coordinated support to all Member States and the UN system at the country level with implementation of the 2030 Agenda, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.
The IBC is structured under four main workstreams:
Early Warnings for All (EW4All) and Anticipatory Action
Enhanced understanding of disaster and climate-related risks in Asia-Pacific
Reducing the negative impacts of disaster and climate-related displacement
Loss and Damage
3. Inclusive Economic Growth and Recovery (co-chaired by UNICEF and UNDP)
The IBC elevates the discussion at the regional level to support UNCTs to engage in policy issues related to inclusive growth and recovery from multiple and intersecting crises faced by many countries.
Based on consultation with agencies at regional and country level, the IBC interventions are organized around the following key areas of work:
Social Protection, including shock responsive social protection
Macroeconomic Sustainability and Recovery, and Debt Vulnerabilities and Public Finance
Poverty, Inequality and Social and Economic impact of crises
4. Promoting Human Rights, Gender Equality and Women Empowerment (co-chaired by OHCHR, UNFPA and UN Women)
The IBC HR-GEWE leverages substantive expertise from across the UN system on key GEWE and HR issues. Its work focuses on three areas:
Non-discrimination: support UNCTs in integrating a normative approach to the UN’s development work, including in SDG monitoring and implementation, grounded in the UN Charter and international human rights frameworks;
Gender equality and women’s empowerment: advocate for women’s leadership, voice and agency to be advanced in all areas of the UN’s work (regional and country);
COVID-19 response and recovery: monitor and analyse HR and GEWE-related implications of the COVID-19 response and recovery efforts in the region, and support the integration of HR and GEWE in all work to build back better.
The IBC’s work in delivered through capacity-building support to UNCTs, research, analysis and provision of technical guidance, as well as dialogues, guidance and joint advocacy on emerging challenges or issues of regional interest. The IBC has two sub-working groups i.e. the regional Human Rights Network and the regional UNiTE Working Group to End Violence Against Women and Girls.
5. Digital Transformation (co-chaired by ESCAP, ITU and UNESCO)
The IBC on Digital Transformation seeks to coordinate the UN response to the digital challenges and opportunities in the Asia-Pacific region, fostering synergies among UN entities and enhancing collaboration with non-UN stakeholders. Leveraging the framework of the draft Global Digital Framework and underlining the significance of mainstreaming human rights, particularly the rights of children and women, the priority areas were identified through a demand assessment for support from the 25 UNCTs of the Asia-Pacific region.
The specific areas of work include (i) Access to Digital Technologies (ii) Governing Emerging Technologies, Including Artificial Intelligence (ii) Focus Countries for priority actions - prioritizing support to countries with a specific need on digital transformation.