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Integrated Approaches -2024 Climate Ambition

With a growing need to use a systems approach in responding to the impacts of climate change, integrated approaches that address both adaptation and mitigation ambitions are becoming more imperative. Climate change is a multifaceted issue that cannot be resolved easily, even with ideal greenhouse gas emissions reduction scenarios. Its impact will persist due to the energy already trapped in the atmosphere. Mitigation efforts are insufficiently rapid to avert significant effects, necessitating robust adaptation strategies. Conversely, adaptation alone cannot fully address the extensive consequences of substantial climate change, underscoring the importance of sustained mitigation efforts and the management of residual impacts related to loss and damage.

Meanwhile, the interrelationship between climate change adaptation and mitigation has drawn increasing attention since the release of the IPCC’s Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) in 2007. There is growing recognition of the opportunities to design and implement climate responses across sectors in ways that foster synergies and minimize conflicts between adaptation and mitigation. To strengthen efforts against the severe threat of climate change, the IPCC Reports and Articles 2 and 7 of the Paris Agreement emphasize the need for deeper understanding and strategic selection of response options that align adaptation and mitigation goals.