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Webinar: Blended/Hybrid Learning in the Context of School Reopening

Recording: HERE

Blended/Hybrid Learning in the Context of School Reopening is the second webinar in an Asia-Pacific Learning and Education 2030+ Webinar Series on Learning Recovery Beyond COVID-19.

This Webinar responds to the current priority of countries in Asia-Pacific to initiate and establish hybrid/blended learning systems both in the context of full or partial school closures, as well as to support learning recovery efforts post-school reopening.

Its purpose is to provide technical guidance to Ministries of Education and their partners on current global and regional thinking and emerging practices around hybrid/blended learning approaches. The webinar will introduce the concept of hybrid and blended learning models, share expert perspectives on effective strategies for establishing hybrid/blended models according to current questions from countries and provide countries the opportunity to exchange their experiences with hybrid/blended learning.