Peace, justice, and strong institutions (SDG 16) lie at the core of progress on all other SDGs, and is considered an enabler of the 2030 Agenda as a whole. The Asia- Pacific region has low levels of intentional homicides and many countries have made good progress in birth registration as well as in legislation to guarantee public access to information. Nonetheless, many countries face significant challenges on most dimensions of SDG 16, including on corruption and bribery; reducing violence and death, including violence against women and children; effective, accountable and transparent institutions; responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making; the protection of fundamental freedoms; and in the implementation of non-discriminatory laws and policies, in particular for vulnerable and marginalized communities. Lack of quality and disaggregated data on SDG 16 is also a key challenge. This roundtable aims to discuss priority actions and good practices to advance progress on SDG 16 in the region, including ways to strengthen the rule of law, access information and the protection of fundamental freedoms, as well as how to eliminate discrimination and strengthen meaningful participation of groups that are left behind, towards responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making and effective, accountable and transparent institutions. DOWNLOAD SDG PROFILE For more data and regional analysis, access the Asia-Pacific SDG Gateway.